What To Expect From A Trained Caretaker At Home?


For older people who need help at home, finding good caregivers may be difficult. But when trying to find a good caregiver, finding one that provides high-level services may prove challenging.

There are various methods for finding caregivers. They include referrals from healthcare professionals, friends/family members, or agencies like Angels Nursing Agency in Victoria.

One thing you should consider is the qualifications of the person who is being hired to care for an elderly relative. Are they trained? Do they have experience in caring for seniors? How much do they charge per hour? Will they provide training? Is there any chance they might not show up for work? These are just a few questions to think about before hiring someone to care for your loved one.

Fortunately, we at Angels Nursing extensively train our caregivers to provide specific nursing services to seniors in their residences.

What to expect from our trained caretakers:

Our caregivers will first consult the elderly’s doctor to determine their current state of mind. They will also learn about any special measures that should be taken and what type of assistance they can provide. The caregiver will then go home to get acquainted with the patient’s environment and their surroundings. Afterwhich, they will create an individualised treatment program for your senior loved one.
As part of our aged home nursing care, our caregivers can assist with the following:

-       Showers

-       Toileting

-       Personal Grooming

-       Continence Management

-       Home Upkeep

-       Transportation Support

Let’s expound on the services our expert caregivers can provide to your elderly loved ones:

-       Domestic and light cleaning duties

This includes light cleaning, preparation of meals, light domestic tasks, and washing, laundry, and ironing of clothes.

-       Companionship & transportation support

Our carer companions can assist your loved ones with their shopping, going out to coffee shops, medical appointments, social gatherings and celebrations .

-       Personal care

We at AngelsNursing Agency value our patients’ hygiene. Therefore, we have trained our caregivers to assist with the elderly’s showering, toileting, dressing, and general grooming.

They can also aid with home respite and palliative care.

-       Experienced nursing care.

Our carers can also assist with the elderly’s medication management and intake, wound care, pain management, and recovery.

 As a leading home nursing care provider, Angels Nursing Agency, has been providing high quality aged care nursing in Melbourne for almost two decades. We ensure 100% customer satisfaction by employing qualified, experienced, and well-trained caregiving staff.

Get the best and quality personalised home care services for your elderly loved ones. Call us today!




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