8 Tips to Keep Your Senior Suffering from Dementia Engaged During an Outing

 Keeping the seniors active and engaged is advantageous for their physical and cognitive health, especially for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, as this is helpful for them. There are particular activities that have proven to be extra beneficial for those suffering from dementia.

The common activities are:

     Exercise and outdoor activities


     Doing their daily routines

     Arts and music

Giving people with dementia a sense of structure and routine can aid in keeping their cognitive abilities whilst giving them security with the familiarity of the activities. In doing their usual daily routine, they can control how their day will progress and will help them exercise their communication skills and remember things.

To be able to provide them with activities that they can enjoy, you need to see to it that they fit the personality and situation. Keep in mind that choosing activities for your loved ones with dementia is an intimate affair and should be positioned in a way that is in line with their abilities and interests.

Here’s a list of things you can do with your loved one with dementia:

  1. Do cardio-based activities. 

We have established the fact that making them stay active can help with their physical health. Therefore, get your seniors outdoors and let them walk around, jog if they are able to do so, rake the leaves, or even do some stretching, yoga, and meditation. 

  1. Choose the perfect timing.

When planning to do an activity with your loved one, first check if they are not feeling anxious or busy with other things. It is helpful to plan activities depending on the time of the day.

  1. Get activities that match with their capabilities.

Since our senior loved one is suffering from a condition, it is always a great idea to check with their doctor or healthcare provider to make sure that the activities you have planned to do with them are safe.

  1. Test your trivia knowledge

Playing trivia and board games is fun, not just for seniors, but for all ages. These can help avert deterioration in your loved one’s mental health by promoting activity development in the brain’s temporal and hippocampus sections. These are the areas that work with memory functions; therefore, playing trivia and board games can delay mental decline.

  1. Do a puzzle together.

Puzzles are great to help boost a patient with dementia’s memories. It helps stave off any form of cognitive decline, which further enhances their memories.

  1. Complete the crossword.

Crosswords are challenging and help keep you and your loved ones mentally active. Research done in nursing homes found that crosswords interfered with a decline in the patient’s cognitive abilities for twelve months.

  1. Walk down the memory lane together.

There is nothing more intimate and mind-stimulating than talking about the past. People suffering from dementia have a great deal of memory loss; thus, speaking to them and helping them remember about certain events that have already happened can help bring back the memories; although this is mostly applicable to patients in the early stages of dementia.

  1. Try Tai Chi.

Combining Tai Chi and breathing is a perfect decision to maintain physical and emotional balance, enhance the memory, and health. The effects of Tai Chi in the body are needed for aging people since they are prone to losing their memories for a number of reasons. This is why it is a best choice to let your seniors with dementia do Tai Chi to help them keep moving, practise balance to prevent falls, while boosting their cognitive functions and memories.

As the leading home care nursing services in Melbourne, we can help your loved ones with dementia do activities that can improve their physical and cognitive health. Get in touch with us so we can discuss with you how we and our carers can assist.



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