Health Is Wealth: Why Physical Activity is Important for Nurses

Nurses are at the heart of patient care and frequently work long hours with arduous workloads and difficult deadlines. Many nurses are too tired to go to the gym or go for a stroll outside after spending their whole shift on their feet. However, physical exercise should be a part of every nurse's routine if they want to be successful whether in and out of the hospital. Agreeing wholeheartedly with the statement, "Health is wealth," nurses are advised to make health management a priority along with their other responsibilities. This phrase may be casually said, yet it carries immense importance. Today, we'll explore why physical activity is important for nurses and how they can integrate it into their routine despite a busy lifestyle. Increase their energy levels Working as a nurse can be very tiring, particularly during longer shifts. If they find that their energy is dragging, it could be caused by bad habits such as eating processed food or spending ...